Day One
Day One. I took the pictures (below) weeks ago because I needed a new pair of jeans. The ones that fit me and that I wore all the time were starting to get worn out in the inner thigh area. While trying on different sizes of pants I got more disgusted with myself. Disgusted with myself because I hated what I saw looking back at me in the mirror. I hated how I felt while trying on clothes. Hated how unattractive I looked. Disappointed in myself for letting my body go after having a baby a few years ago. I told myself that I was going to start making healthy food choices and start exercising everyday even if it's only 10-15 minutes. I had to start doing something. I had to start making changes. Sadly, it never happened because I keep telling myself, "I'll start the next day." Next day comes around and I would tell myself again, "I'll start tomorrow." I've been telling myself that everyday for almost a month now and I never started. Un...